
What is it?
  "Tolerance for everybody" is the 2 days educational social project which will be held by Ukrainian and American volunteers during the International Day of Tolerance and days after it. 
When and where will it be held?
  It will take place during the 16th; 18th of November at Rivne spesialized school №15.  
Who can participate?
  During the second day of project (18th of November) only children from school №15 who study at 9th - 11th form can participate. But everybody is welcome to be a participant at the first day (16th of November). You can take part in additional lessons at themes of important issues like: 
  • Human Trafficking
  • Religion
  • Self Esteem
  You can choose 2 lessons from this list and visit them.   
How can I do this?
   Each lesson will be held two times, so you can attend one lesson and after this go to another one.   
Form of the lessons.  
  Lessons will be held by two volunteers (1 Ukrainian student and 1 Peace Corps volunteer) in form of activities, quiz game and by showing thematic video materials, etc.

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